Behavioral Health Initiative
The challenge:
The World Health Organization reports that one in four people in the world will be affected by mental disorders at some point in their lives. Oregon has the highest rate of mental illness of any state in the country, according to the Oregon Chapter of The National Alliance on Mental Illness. Asante is addressing this critical need in our region.
The solution:
Connecting those in need with treatment options is Asante’s goal. Early work on the Asante Behavioral Health Initiative has set the stage for one of the most transformational mental health projects in our region. Included in this initiative is:
- A Behavioral Health Unit
- Systemwide implementation of the Sanctuary Model®
- Expansion of community partnerships.

Where we are now:
Through the Behavioral Health Initiative, donors have had a tremendous and quantifiable impact on our community and those struggling with mental health issues. As a result of the generosity of our community, Asante has implemented the first two phases of this initiative:
- The Sanctuary Model of care, training with 1,000 employees across Asante to practice an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach to patient care
- Established a Resiliency Coordinator position supporting Sanctuary Model education and addressing the second victim phenomenon through a program called CARE Response
- Renovated spaces and added “flex rooms” to Emergency Departments across the health system
- Partnerships with other organizations in our community to ensure support and resources for patients after discharge
- Built and opened a brand-new Behavioral Health Unit at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center, which opened in 2020
What’s next:
The next step is to build on our success by proactively addressing access and prevention, and securing endowed support for this program to ensure patients have these services for years to come. The third phase of the Behavioral Health Initiative includes:
- Recruiting a Medical Chair for Behavioral Health
- Establishing a Behavioral Health Endowment
In order to serve more patients and add new programs, the next step is to consolidate this service line under one medical leader with the influence and ability to bring medical practitioners together in a way that increases acceptance, innovation and the successful application of mental health programs. This Chair will not only sustain quality behavioral health care at Asante, it will enhance it.
Second, establishing a Behavioral Health Endowment will provide ongoing support of behavioral health care at Asante and ensure that regardless of the health system’s financial condition, these programs have the resources to carry on the mission for years to come.

How you can help:
The need for specialized behavioral health care continues to grow. The effects of the pandemic only have increased the need for this care. Local philanthropy plays a critical role in Asante’s ability to serve more patients in crisis and implement new programs. We are depending on the generosity and compassion of donors like you to make this possible.
For more information, to give, or to get involved:
Contact Andrea Reeder
(541) 789-2590 or send an email

Patient Stories
As a community, we’re stronger together.”
—Matt Stephenson, President/CEO, Rogue Credit Union