Fast Facts

Asante Nonprofit

Asante is a nonprofit.

Asante Foundation is a nonprofit approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, charitable organization. The Asante Foundation Tax ID # is 93-6087366.

Asante is local.

Asante was created in and is committed to Southern Oregon.

Asante Hospitals Southern Oregon
Asante Foundation check

100% of donations go directly toward initiatives.

Every dollar donated to Asante Foundation goes directly to an area of need. This is thanks to generous donors, our community and the Foundation’s unique infrastructure.

The Asante Foundation is more than four decades old.

Established in 1973, Asante Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Asante. The Foundation is committed to transforming the quality and scope of health care in Southern Oregon.

Asante Health System donors
Asante Hospital Foundation philanthropy

Philanthropy is an important element in health care.

In a constantly changing and financially-challenged health care landscape, philanthropy enhances treatment access and options for our community — giving patients the latest in technology, treatment innovations, services, structures and expert medical staff. Philanthropy is vital in supporting the demands of excellence in health care today and will become even more vital in supporting future capital projects for the health care of tomorrow.

We have a goal to transform health care for our community.

The AsanteForward2030 campaign is our most ambitious and significant philanthropic effort to date. The purpose of the campaign is to transform the quality and scope of health care available in Asante’s nine-county region, providing residents with world-class medical care in our own community.

Asante Foundation goals
Asante foundation events

Gifts are tax deductible.

Contributions to Asante Foundation are considered tax-deductible.

Asante serves our community.

Three out of four residents in our primary service area rely on Asante for their inpatient care.
Asante hospital facts

We are one of the largest employers.

Asante is also one of the largest employers in the area with approximately 6,000 employees.

National reputation, clinical excellence.

Asante is renowned for excellent trauma services, coronary care, unique labor and delivery options, and advanced technology. We are recognized for clinical excellence and have many high national honors and ratings.

Asante hospital heart care

“The results of philanthropy are always beyond calculation." 

—Miriam Beard